You know when you just have one of those weeks?  It seems like nothing that you intended to do gets done and something major happens to put you even further behind on things!  That was my week!  My major event was being hit with a four-day flu bug that put me out of commission.  Of course it hit on Sunday which was when I was supposed to host a big dinner for my husband’s extended family.  The rest of the week just went downhill from there!  So I apologize for the lack of posts this week and I know I missed MDS Monday.  I am finally feeling better and had a chance to sit down and do some stamping today!  I decided to take my direction from a challenge that was offered to me from my upline.  Her challenge was to stamp a beautiful one-layer card.  I decided to try a fun technique called faux layering.  I picked up my Bordering on Romance set, which by the way will be in the new catalog (yippie!), and went to work.  I created the faux layer by tearing a piece of scrap cardstock and sponging in between the two torn pieces.  I used Lucky Limeade for my sponging.  Then I stamped the big flower image from Bordering on Romance in Blac, Stazon and colored in in using various markers.  Now you may be looking at the colors and saying…hum I don’t really recognize some of those colors.  Well, that is because I used two new in-colors from my pre-order goodies.  The colors I used to color the flowers are called Raspberry Ripple (which is the darker of the two) and Primrose Petals.  Are these colors yummy?!  The leaves are colored in with Lucky Limeade.  I did end up adding a bit of Lucky Limeade Ruffled Ribbon to the card just to dress it up a little bit.  Start to finish I bet this card took less than 10 minutes!  That’s my kind of card, especially during a week like this!

Thanks for stopping by & be creative!  Kristin