Happy Monday!  It’s one of those Mondays where I am so happy that I made it through the weekend!  It was a busy weekend traveling up to see my Sister for her baby shower.  I had to share some of the pictures with you!  A lot of energy went into creating the decorations for her shower.

Since my Sister is having a girl, and I have three boys, this was especially fun for me to coordinate!  This is what the tables looked like.  We had vases of flowers in the center and I created some vase covers for the flowers, which are surprisingly easy to do!  I am going to try and post a tutorial on that this week.  So aside from pink we also had a polka-dot theme going on.

This second picture is a close-up of the centerpieces.  We had little polka-dots skattered around the table.  I created little flowers using a now retired Daisies #2 die that my friend Cristy loaned me.  We put the little flowers under the glasses.  My Aunt added a variety of pink Jelly Bellies to the table setting to finish it off!

My Mom (and her dear husband) worked for hours on those adorable little booties!  Aren’t they cute!  They were filled with “hugs & kisses” for the guests.  We found the pattern online and used the pattern from this website to make these.  Well worth the effort I think!

I know that I have already shown a picture of the banner I created, but here it is hanging on the gift table.  It turned out so cute!  My Sister decided to take it home and hang it in the nursery for a little while.  There was so much pink everywhere and my Niece has some beautiful clothes now!  We are just so excited to meet her.   I know already that she will hold a very special place in my heart!  My Sister was overwhelmed with all of the beautiful things that she received and the shower!  Thanks to everyone who helped make it a success.  Her Mother-In-Law also helped do an enormous amount of work including making a lot of the food!

I will leave you with one last picture of my Sister opening the quilt that I made for my Niece!  I actually made this quilt in under a week, which if you have little ones running around you know how impossible that seems!  Thanks for letting me share some personal pictures with you today!  I hope you enjoy the ideas.

Be creative, Kristin