Be Thankful

This morning I woke up to snow on the ground.  Not just the “dusting” of snow or the “this will melt later” snow, but at least an inch of snow.  I wanted to grumble and my kids were ecstatic.

IMG_2012Max, my youngest son, was outside in all of his snow gear before 8:00 a.m. this morning.  You would think I would be ready for the snow, it is after all late November in Wisconsin.  No, of course I still had to go digging out the winter gear for him to put on.


Even though he only stayed out for a few minutes, it was worth it to see the smile and excitement on his face this morning as he played in the first snowfall.   So despite the fact that I wanted to grumble about the snow, today I am thankful that my son was able to play in the first real snowfall of the season.

floralthankyouThis really is the season to be thankful!  I encourage you to send a card to someone (or several people) who need your thanks.  I know that I am not as good at doing this as I should be, but I also know what it feels like to receive that special piece of mail letting you know that you are remembered.  I guarantee you will put a smile on someone’s face!

Be Thankful & Be Creative, Kristin

Stamping Supplies:

tams# 210


Happy Birthday Maxwell!

I have a quick birthday card to share with you today!  We celebrated my son’s birthday this weekend and this was the card Max received from his Nana.  I just loved the color blocking on this card.  It makes for a quick, easy, and masculine card.

maxbdayI will definitely be using this idea in the future.  You could easy change up the colors for a girl.  You could even do thinner strips with rainbow colors.

IMG_9960Three years ago I was blessed with this beautiful little boy!  He has brought so much joy, life, and love into our family!  I am one lucky lady!  Today he celebrates his 3rd Birthday!  Happy, Happy Birthday Maxwell!!!  We love you more than words can say!


Be Creative, Kristin



Sweet Baptism

Hello Blog Readers and Happy New Year!!  IMG_8770Where have I been?!  Yikes…time flies during the holidays!  Sadly I haven’t done a lot of stamping.  We have just been so busy with family.  Sometimes you just have to prioritize.  🙂

So I have to take a minute to be a proud Aunt!  My beautiful niece McKenna was baptized on Sunday! This is a picture of us after her ceremony.  She slept through the whole thing and woke up afterwards for the party.  Ah…to be a baby!  I have three little boys and just have to say that it is so much fun to have a little girl in the family!  I know that I just can’t help myself and have to practice a lot of restraint when I see cute little girly things in the store.  It’s so different looking a little dresses and outfits for girls.

I needed a special card for her baptism and I wanted it to be simple, yet elegant.

IMG_8719I pulled out my go-to stamp set for these types of occasions called Crosses of Hope.  I wanted a mostly white card so I left the base white.  I did a little bit of embossing on the bottom with a new tool that is coming out in the Spring Mini Catalog that I know you are going to LOVE.  It’s an embossing plate for the Simply Scored Tool.  I love the look of it and it sort of reminds me of dry embossing.  The cross on the card is stamped in Regal Rose and the “God bless you” is stamped in Early Espresso.  I added a cute little flower on the bottom with a pearl and finished the card off with some Whisper White ribbon.

It was a beautiful day for McKenna and I was so blessed to be a part of it!

Be Creative, Kristin


I’m Still Here!

Hello fellow stampers!  I’m here…I took a little blog-cation to spend the last few weeks of summer with my kiddos before they went off to school!  Today was the big day!

Aren’t they handsome!  🙂  Those are my two oldest boys ready for school this morning!  My oldest starts First Grade today and my middle boy starts 4K!  Where does time go?!  Honestly, I think we were all ready for the routine that school provides us again.  I know that they were both very excited this morning.  We were actually out of the house 20 minutes before school started, which trust me is not something that happens frequently here.

So now that school has started I will be back to regular postings.  I have a some great projects to share with you and a really fun “Back To School” scrapbook page that I will be sharing with you later this week.  I will also be back to my regular MDS Mondays!

So thanks for putting up with my absence for a few weeks while I enjoy my boys!

Have a great day!

Be creative, Kristin

Baby Shower Fit For A Princess!

Happy Monday!  It’s one of those Mondays where I am so happy that I made it through the weekend!  It was a busy weekend traveling up to see my Sister for her baby shower.  I had to share some of the pictures with you!  A lot of energy went into creating the decorations for her shower.

Since my Sister is having a girl, and I have three boys, this was especially fun for me to coordinate!  This is what the tables looked like.  We had vases of flowers in the center and I created some vase covers for the flowers, which are surprisingly easy to do!  I am going to try and post a tutorial on that this week.  So aside from pink we also had a polka-dot theme going on.

This second picture is a close-up of the centerpieces.  We had little polka-dots skattered around the table.  I created little flowers using a now retired Daisies #2 die that my friend Cristy loaned me.  We put the little flowers under the glasses.  My Aunt added a variety of pink Jelly Bellies to the table setting to finish it off!

My Mom (and her dear husband) worked for hours on those adorable little booties!  Aren’t they cute!  They were filled with “hugs & kisses” for the guests.  We found the pattern online and used the pattern from this website to make these.  Well worth the effort I think!

I know that I have already shown a picture of the banner I created, but here it is hanging on the gift table.  It turned out so cute!  My Sister decided to take it home and hang it in the nursery for a little while.  There was so much pink everywhere and my Niece has some beautiful clothes now!  We are just so excited to meet her.   I know already that she will hold a very special place in my heart!  My Sister was overwhelmed with all of the beautiful things that she received and the shower!  Thanks to everyone who helped make it a success.  Her Mother-In-Law also helped do an enormous amount of work including making a lot of the food!

I will leave you with one last picture of my Sister opening the quilt that I made for my Niece!  I actually made this quilt in under a week, which if you have little ones running around you know how impossible that seems!  Thanks for letting me share some personal pictures with you today!  I hope you enjoy the ideas.

Be creative, Kristin


Happy Father’s Day “DAD” in MDS

Hello!  I am sharing the MDS Monday post a little early in honor of Father’s Day.  I decided that I would make a special Father’s Day page this year for my husband. I actually designed the page to fit a picture of each of our boys, so it has three photo boxes on it.  Then I saw a really great idea of having your kids spell out the letters with their bodies, you know like they do on Sesame Street?!  So I positioned them on the grass and stood on the deck to get their pictures.  They cooperated just long enough to make a D and A, which thankfully was all I needed.  I love the finished product and I know my husband enjoyed seeing it this morning too!  I think his actual words were “You’re a geek”….which I believe translates into “you are a wonderfully talented and thoughtful wife”!

The background paper is from the Downtown Grunge Kit and the overlay is from Decorative Overlays – called Quatrefoil.  There is a variety of grosgrain ribbon, hodgepodge hardware, and some digital tape on the page as well.  I kept the page fairly simple.  So I hope you enjoy it & Happy Father’s Day!

Isn’t this a precious picture of my Husband and our three beautiful boys?!  A special Happy Father’s Day to my Dear Husband and my Dad!  I hope both of you have a wonderful day!

Be Creative!  Kristin